Ghost master game
Ghost master game

ghost master game

Developed by Sick Puppies, a division of Empire Interactive, Ghost Master asks only one thing of you: are you cleverer than a bunch of humans? So it's a refreshing change of pace to come upon Ghost Master, a title that puts in charge of a group of bad ghosts and has you use them to scare innocent civilians out of house and home. Some RPGs will let you perform evil actions, but generally, most reward good-aligned characters more than their wicked counterparts. Only a few games have let you play the bad guy, and even fewer encourage it, Black & White and Dungeon Keeper I and II being the most notable. The goal is to increase each dwelling's fear factor so the residents pack up and leave.

ghost master game

The game offers parodies of horror movies as players focus on channeling psychic energy throughout the 3D locales. Ordered by the Haunter Committee to remove the townsfolk of Gravenville, players assemble a team of ghosts, ghouls, gremlins, and other beings from the netherworld to carry out the task. In the "spirit" of movies like Beetlejuice and games such as Haunting Starring Polterguy, Ghost Master has players in the role of an afterlife civil servant charged with the task of scaring away humans from their homes and workplaces.

Ghost master game